At this age we introduce soccer to children in a fun and comfortable atmosphere, where we use simple activities, games, and familiar teachings from school and home that are centered around developing a love for the ball and passion for soccer!
Throughout being a Bumble Bee, we integrate age-appropriate learning activities like counting, singing, and exploring with basic soccer skills allowing our soccer players to learn through play. We often involve parents in many of the activities of this age group for familiarity as well as show parents how to continue and encourage the fun and love for the sport at home!
All registration is done through our website. Click on the “Register” button or “Player Portal”.
For classes at schools: Closed-Toed shoes and comfortable clothing.
For Pre-Leagues/Camps: Athletic shoes/clothes, size 1-3 ball, and water. Cleats and shinguards encouraged but not necessary!
There is no membership fees or additional enrollment fees! For month-to-month pay schools; we offer a flat monthly fee. For semester term classes and seasonal Pre-Leagues; we offer a one time flat fee.